Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Outsiders Need Not Apply

Positions Applied to: 31
Interview Invitations: 2
Direct Rejections: 4
Time Spent Hunting: 26 days

It's now 4 o'clock and no word from the agency. I suppose there's some hope left for the day, but it's looking grim. Before I left yesterday, I specifically asked them for a response time frame and they repeatedly told me they'd call today. Wankers.

While I was waiting, I sent a couple of follow up emails to the places I applied to nearly three weeks ago. One of them was to the public relations agency I mentioned in my last post. The contact immediately responded and said she'd previously sent a reply and that her message must have been filtered into my junk mail. I checked and there was nothing there. If she sent a reply I never received it. I'm not sure that she did. She went on to say that while I was a viable candidate, the agency would not be flying candidates in for interviews or paying moving expenses and that the Tampa market is overflowing with talent as there are two universities in the area, both with excellent communication programs. I don't know why she thought I assumed they'd be paying my way. In my cover letter, I specifically say that interview travel and relocation will not be a problem. She did say that if I was in the area soon she'd be glad to meet with me, so I sent her an email asking if she was available next week. So we now have an interview on Wednesday, December 19th. Wish me luck against all the local talent!

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