Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I GOT THE JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's over! No offense to my five readers, but I never want to write in this blog or a similar blog again. Ever. I got the job I wanted, the one I mentioned in my last post, and I am thrilled to bid good riddance to Monster, CareerBuilder, HotJobs, the daily classifieds, resume and cover letters, interviews and pointless career fairs. Job hunting sucks a big one and I hope to never take a good job, or any job, for granted again.

Here is the final tally:

Applications Submitted: 66
Interview Invitations: 5
Direct Rejections: 9 (the others didn't respond at all)
Time Spent Hunting: 81 days

I found the job I got in the Sunday classifieds and almost didn't apply because I didn't have experience in a certain kind of software. I think I got an interview because I was one of the first to apply and I think I got the job because I took a lot of time on the editing test, (the manager said everyone bombed it but me) and because an employee gave me a helpful hint. I will have to buy that woman a beer someday. I still maintain that finding a job depends a lot on luck, timing and connections. If I were to give anyone advice I'd say apply, apply, apply and try to keep a positive attitude. I know better than anyone how difficult that can be. I'd also say don't bother with career fairs. Before the woman called me today, my husband and went to our third career fair and it was just as big a waste of time as the previous two. In my experience, most of the employers at career fairs will tell you to check their company website and apply online. A few are annoyingly smug and will say they don't have anything for you. Why bother dressing up and driving downtown to hear something you already know? I know many people will probably disagree with me, but that is the experience my husband and I have had. The woman called at a nearly perfect time to tell me I had the job. I was feeling so frustrated and low. The only way it could have been better is if she'd called at the career fair itself.

Wish me luck with my new job. I am going to bust my ass to pay back the hiring manager for giving me a chance. I told her that. Perhaps I was over excited but enthusiasm rarely hurts. I start Monday at 7:30. Thank god!!!!!!

1 comment:

Random Musings said...


I JUST QUIT MINE!!! lol Serious.. I am so happy for you!!!